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Faisal Alshammeri
The recent snap elections held on November 1 2016 in Turkey have only led to the ongoing process of step-by-step authoritarian tendencies of Ankara over the past few years. Like any policy or process, the test is not one of where or how, is initiated but where it ends.
And in this case who has benefitted from this process? It was once said of Russia: “Which countries border Russia? Those authorized by Russia. And so which countries does it authorize? None.” To move this quote and make it applicable to Erdogan’s Turkey is it a representative democracy when a party running for parliament takes 10% but does not get into that body of policy in turkey ? Is it democratic closing TV and newspaper outlets? And again looking at the ongoing process of Erdogan’s Turkey what has been the outcome of his leadership? Who has benefitted the most from this process? Erdogan, the person, and The AKP have been the resounding winners of not only this election but his tenure in power. This huge victory cemented his persona and given him and the AKP a rock-solid hold on power until 2019.
If one takes a look at the facts on the ground for Turkey this year alone it has not been satisfactory results. Terrorist attacks inside Turkey, a crashing economy with investment capital fleeing the country, a general sense among the people of insecurity chiefly that of daesh and it’s ability to hit inside Turkey.
In the face of this does it add up that the political powers that be in a situation like this would be given a heavy mandate by the voting populace who has to endure these deteriorating conditions? Simply put since June, everything in Turkey has gone from terrible to borderline horrific in certain parts of the country.
What sensible explanation is there for the AKP getting 5-15% in every province of the country? Save the possibility of nothing short of massive fraud? Does “Justice and Development” seem abundantly clear as tangible results on the basis of this authoritarian tendency of Erdogan? Perhaps it is now time to update the saying mentioned earlier regarding Russia and apply it to Erdogan’s Turkey: “Which political parties participate in Erdogan’s Turkey? Those authorized by Justice and Development. And so which political parties does it authorize? None.” In life what we have as core convictions certainly counts. What we say also matters as well. But it is what we do that defines us. This has been the result of Erdogan’s process and should be the measuring stick for what we judge Ankara by.
Writer and Political analyst *
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